My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I saw this book on NetGalley it looked really inviting a beautiful cover and the description just pulled me in promising stuff that I was really into and I knew I had to read it.
Starting the book with the first few pages I will not lie I did kind of, not struggle but tried to get to grips with what was going on. Things happened fast and I worried that I may miss something in all of the excitement but by the time I was a few pages in everything seemed to take this nice flow.
Leonie was a character that was both hard and soft at the same time. She wanted to be a rock and be able to be all the things everyone thinks she is but she’s hurting and has this feeling of emptiness and feelings of being alone. The author really got that across and I felt she also made it clear that Leonie was still a kid she still needed to grow and because of this she made mistakes. Korren had to be my favourite he was a bit prickly and sometimes a little mean but he was also in pain and had been through so much and I loved reading from prospective.
The storyline in the book really took hold of me and I found myself up at 4 am reading not wanting to stop which is always a good sign when starting a new book. The world within the pages is beautiful and it was inviting and interesting. I loved how the story progressed and never slowed like some book do it carried at this nice speed and something was always going on to keep you hooked and glued to the book. While there was this magic and beauty to the book there was also so much darkness and layers of things going on that you found yourself thinking about what was really going on who could you trust it was amazing.
Overall the book was well written and had a new and vibrate story that pulled you in and made falling in love with the places and characters easy I really can’t wait for the second book to see what is to come next.
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