Tuesday, 7 June 2011

dreams unleashed by linda hawley review ~alice~

It’s the future year of 2015, where technology governs life. No one on the globe is free from being tracked through government RFID. The worldwide underground organization, GOG, is the one group equipped to fight against citizens’ loss of privacy. Ann Torgeson is a technical writer working for a tidal energy company—living a seemingly normal life in the Pacific Northwest—when her vivid dreams turn real. Is her training as a paranormal CIA agent when she was nineteen years old now altering the doorway between her subconscious and reality? When Ann starts to dig into her past, her present begins to unravel, leading the reader through events that twist and turn everything upside down. Question everything you know is essential in this dystopian trilogy.

my review
i loved this book, i was a bit unsure at the begining as i was confused, didnt know what was real and what were dreams.

i loved ann's character and it was wonderfull to see a character who wasnt a teenager, but someone who had a daughter elinor in her first year of college.

the year this book is set in is 2015 and thats not far away, you can see how whats in this book could really happen in real life.

dreams unleashed has an amazing storyline and i cannot wait for book two. i connected with the characters and that is what i love about books is when i connect with them.

Ms. hawley certainly knows how to keep a readers attention, it was non stop action thru most of this book and i read it in one sitting.

if you like the normal dystopian books with the teenage girls and their lives are planned out but yet they want to rebel by falling in love with someone else, then this book isnt for you, BUT if you want a read that is completly different to the norm then this is for you. this book gripped me from page one and i cannot wait to see where Linda takes her readers in book two :)

this book is definitly a one sit read and 5 stars


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reviewing Dreams Unleashed!


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