Tuesday, 7 June 2011

guest post/giveaway with linda hawley

Im pleased to welcome to the blog Linda hawley.  Author of Dreams unleashed, which is an amazing book.  following the post check the bottom for the giveaway on how to win an ecopy of dreams unleashed

Topic:  Writing in the Dystopian Genre

Long ago (in a galaxy far, far away—ha ha), I used to think that science fiction had to involve outer space, aliens, and star ships.  But then I found a subcategory of science fiction, called dystopian fiction, which I fell in love with as a reader and writer.  For me, it all started with reading Corman McCarthy’s The Road.  The story is uniquely tragic, and I loved the dystopian drama, but it was the hope that came through that made me want to actually write in this genre.  It was like falling in love with something that I was always meant to do.  Writing in this genre is dramatic, but also filled with hope.  It’s the juxtaposition that has captured me.  In The Road I also fell in love with dialogue, and I now understand the importance of telling the story through characters’ communication, instead of narration.

The main plot of Dreams Unleashed is certainly dystopian, but I have worked hard as the author to give you well-rounded characters, some good humor, adventure (travel to other countries), and a heartfelt love story.  Early on in writing the trilogy, I made a decision that I would not include any profanity or premarital sex in the book.  (Although Ann does know how to use a Taser, and does, in her defense.)  I did this because I wanted anyone to be comfortable reading the trilogy.  I was overjoyed to see that teens have started reading Dreams Unleashed, and are talking about it; they love the technology, the dog Lulu, and the love story.  If you've never read a dystopian novel before, Dreams Unleashed might be the first one to try.

I really love to write about science fiction occurring in the near future (5-10 years away).  I want future events to be grounded in my stories, so that readers can relate to them.  I do this by using current events and technology present today.  I embellish them a bit, and then imply their effect on society.  It’s essentially a re-wrapping of events/technology, using my own imagination of possible future implications.  The three books in The Prophecies trilogy follow Ann's chronological paranormal discoveries from 2015 forward to the conclusion of the third book, which will be a great shock to most readers. 

I think that in some dystopian science fiction, authors rely a little too heavily upon plot, and don’t offer up enough well rounded characterizations.  Readers want the characters to be memorable and multidimensional, but also want a plot propelling the story forward.  I think it’s a balancing act as a writer, and a significant challenge. 

All three novels of The Prophecy are being published this year, so if you start reading Dreams Unleashed now, you won't have to wait years for the rest in the series.  Book two will be published this summer (2011), and book three will be published December of this year (2011). 

A free sample of Dreams Unleashed is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051VDGJK
The eBook version of Dreams Unleashed can be purchased at:
The print version of Dreams Unleashed will be published the week of June 10th.

Follow the author and get insiders tips on The Prophecies trilogy:

giveaway time :)

please be a follower 

leave a nice comment for linda

leave your email address so we can send you your prize

giveaway ends 12th june and is international

also check out my review of dreams unleashed  ~review~


  1. Awesome giveaway thanks Linda I hope I get to read and review your book :)

  2. Linda your book sounds great! Love trilogies!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!!

  3. not normally something i would pick up, but my interest has been piqued!!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!!


  4. awesome give-a-way thanks Linda for the chance to win your book :)
    Dawn Hagan

  5. :P) All of the above heartfelt, humour , adventure and good characters is a fab start to a book !! I must say I havent read many of this genre, but since this year I have spread my wings and ventured out !! Love the sound of your book ;) Linda and the title is certainly intriguing !! Best of luck with it !!

    Thanks for the interview ladies !!



  6. Thank you for all of your kind notes, and congratulations to Cynthia for winning this eBook!


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