Thursday, 18 August 2011

Quick Give-away

Samphire song by Jill hucklesby

This is a powerful, uplifting story about a girl and her spirited horse, fighting against the odds. The first time I saw Samphire, I knew he was the one. He was wild, troubled, broken - and he wouldn't let me ride him. But there was an instant connection so powerful I couldn't ignore it. Maybe he knew that I was broken too? Slowly, we learned to trust one another, and now we have a bond so strong that nothing can break it. It's like we can see into each other's souls. So the day he disappeared from my world, it felt like my life was over, all over again. But I will find him - I'll make it my mission

This is going to be a quick give away. 
rules have to follow the blog have to share give away link (spread the word)

3.leave a comment tell me what your first pet and what you loved about him or her

4.leave email in post

ill call the winner today at midnight (18 aug at 12 o clock uk time) will pick winner.

book will be shipped by book depo


  1. 1. Done!
    2. Done on Mera's YA Book List and on my personal FB page!
    3. The first pet I remember having was a cat. I can't remember her name, I was like 7 but we found her and cleaned and fed her. I liked how she'd leave and always come back purring and rubbing against our legs when she was hungry.
    =) Good luck everyone!

  2. GFC name: littlepinkstars
    shared on twitter:!/littlepinkstars/status/104237420467322880

    My first pet was a hamster called Thor. I loved him so much, he was the friendliest wee hamster ever and he loved running around on my bedroom floor. I used to overfeed him with treats, so he was a bit pudgy but that just made him even more cuter I think!

  3. hi im new this is the first give away i have entered.

    my first pet was a dog called spot and i loved the way he licked my toes when i was seating down. he was always doing funny stuff.

    my email is

    shared link

  4. My first pet was socks he was a cat. i loved how every time i went to bed he did too,in my bed on top of my pillow. even when i went n bought him his own pillow he still lay on my pillow lol

    shared link on facebook :)

  5. Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC follower as Diana

    My first pet was a cat. I loved him so much. He is not in life but he still miss me. He name was Marios and he was playful, sweet and very beautiful.

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  6. Shared on my FB page.

    My first pet was a dog called Banjo. He was my dads police dog but when he retired he became mine. He was the most fantastic animal I have ever met. We were kindred spirits and when he died it was like a hole punched in my chest that's never filled. He is my inspiration for my exams and the fact that I wish to be a dog behaviourist.

  7. My email is

  8. You know I follow!!/jade_jmbtf/status/104245953120305152

    My first pet was a dog called Fluke. He was so docile that he let me ride him like a horse!

  9. GFC - Mazznixon
    First pet was a gerbil named caramel, he was so sweet and such a nice gerbil and never bit me and lived for a very long time and escaped sometimes that was always fun haha :)

    smileess_ox at hotmail dot com

  10. Thank you so much for the chance to win♥
    I didn´t have any pet- I know it´s a shame but my parents aren´t fans of pets :( But I would like to have s dog someday♥
    GFC: Jeanne

  11. Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
    GFC follower name : Ifrah Kamil
    Tweet :!/Twinklesmile023/status/104255672400625664
    Well,when I was 5 ,I had a pair of parakeets .They were really cute ,one was blue and white,and the other was green and yellow.I loved ,whenever we put a piece of cloth over their cage at night,so that they could sleep,the blue one always came to eat the food,before it slept.It was its routine.I really loved it :).

  12. thank you for the giveaway i used to have a chow dog named teddybear when me and my brother would spit out our gum he would chew it,


  13. 1. Done
    2. Done
    3. My first pet was a tiny dog. Her name was Smokey Jo. She was a rat terrier mix. I loved how funny she was. She could always tell when I was down and would hop in my lap and jump up and down and lick my face. RIP Smokey Jo.


  14. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    My 1st pet was a stray Yorkshire terrier called Ricky. My grandmother took him in after finding him on her doorstep, starved and the lower part of his body fur-less, then she gave him to me. He followed me everywhere and he was part of our family for 9 years. Sadly he past away 3 years ago, but when he was with us, I gave him every ounce of love I had in me =)


  15. My first pet was a dog named Digger. I really loved him. He was my best friend growing up, young as I was. I could tell him anything and he never got mad at me or told anyone what I said. I miss him very much.
    GFC: LadyVampire2u

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  16. The winner of quick give away below is jade but you did not leave email.

    please email me with you address

    if you do not reply within 24 hours a new winner will be picked.


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