Friday, 30 September 2011

The Fear (The Enemy #3) by Charlie Higson review

The Fear (The Enemy #3)

The fear is book three in the enemy series it follow five days before the last book ends. If you have not read the series DO! This series is like no other. Any way The fear followers the story of a few groups of kids in deep trouble they are all trying to survive in a world where all the grownups seem to have been turned into zombies . While zombies and dead kids is bad enough there is also lots of other things going on that give you chills the way some kids have turned into power hungry cold beings while other seem to really be working for a better future. The series is set in London and as I live close to there you can’t help but feel cold shivers when going by a building that’s been used in the book.

The Author has brilliantly written the book in a way were everything feels so real and downright creepy and scary at times. There was long moments in the book were I held my breath fearing for the characters and willing them to KEEP GOING! It was easy to get hooked into this world that the author has written. The book showed you lots of things you never got to see in the first or second book and if you have read all the books like I have you will see that each book is like a piece of puzzle and they all fit together in a wonderful and perfected way.

I felt that while the book is action packed with more blood and guts then a slaughter house there was so much more going on. David is one character while power hunger and evil to me he also kind of makes the book cool because you’re willing other character to over thrown him. There are lots of other characters that you start to love but you’re always scared that they will not last with all the zombies about.  I loved every moment of the book and by the end all I could think was...please Charlie Higson write the next book fast I’m dying to know what happens next.

I give the book a massive 5 stars

This series just keeps getting better and better. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a series my daughter would love - anything with zombies!


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