Tuesday, 15 November 2011

e 4 new dystopian fiction novels for 2012 and 2013

Starters by Lissa Price
Starters by Lissa Price an American screenwriter, publishing in April 2012, is an action-packed
thriller set in a world where eternal youthfulness can be had – at a price. One girl has the ability to
bring it all tumbling down . . . RHCB acquired UK and Commonwealth rights from Heather Shapiro at
Baror International and will be launching globally alongside Random Inc for a truly international

Struck by Jenifer Bosworth
A post- apocalyptic Los Angeles is the setting for Struck by Jenifer Bosworth, publishing in July 2012.
After the city is devastated by an earthquake, Mia Price finds herself in the middle of a power
struggle between two fanatical cults; one that wants to save the world and another that wants to
destroy it. RHCB acquired UK and Commonwealth rights from Alex Webb of the Rights People, acting
on behalf of FSG.

The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna’s
Sangu Mandanna’s debut The Lost Girl publishes in early 2013 and centres around Eva, a feisty teen
girl who technically has no true identity of her own. Eva is forced to abandon everything she's ever
known and loved, finding herself torn between two worlds. RHCB acquired UK and Commonwealth
rights from Sarah Malloy of A.M. Heath acting on behalf of the Elizabeth Kaplan agency.

ACID by Emma Pass
And finally, children’s librarian  Emma Pass, releases  ACID in early 2013. This action-packed novel
introduces us to Jenna Strong, a truly kick-ass heroine who is serving time in an all-male prison for
the murder of her parents. Set one hundred years in the future in a Big Brother style society; Britain
is now under the control of ACID – a terrifying all-seeing police force. RHCB acquired world rights
from Carolyn Whitaker of London Independent Books


  1. All these sound so good. Especially Acid.

  2. Thanks for posting this! Dystopian is my favourite genre so I'm really psyched to read these books!!!



  3. Thanks for posting this! I'm dying to read the other three books, I'm in such great company :-)


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