Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The other life by Susanne Winnacker review

The other life by Susanne Winnacker
Sherry has spent the last 3 years 1 month lock in a bunker with her family. They all believe that a bad strain of rabies had started making people crazy under orders from the military they stayed safe in the bunker everything changes when they run out of food. Sherry and her dad leave in search of food but what they find is the world has changed.  

The story in this book is brilliant sherry family have been locked away for so long they have no idea what’s going on in the world outside of their own four walls. You get to understand the life within the bunker is not easy it’s like being trapped in prison. You have nothing to do except the same thing every day. The author makes shore you get to know sherry and the life before they leave the bunker.

Once Sherry has to leave the bunker the story takes on a dark and dangerous twist. While reading you were always on guard waiting for the next attack the weepers were such an amazing aspect  of the book .while to start with the weepers reminded me of zombies I soon saw the truth the weepers are still very much alive and super intelligent completely different from the walking dead. There were also a lot of truths and lies packed into the book and everything really did fit well together and made for an enjoyable read.

One of my favourite things about this book was how the authors maintained the fear factor and also mixed in romance. Susanne really knows how to write and I can’t wait to see what happens next in this dark and completely absorbing series.    

5 stars

Annmarie best books review


  1. I will definitely have to read this one. It sounds right up my alley. Great review.

  2. It sounds like a good read.

  3. Thank you :D it was a great book i was shocked at how much i loved it and it was so well written.


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