My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Angel has been dragged about by her mum her whole life. One abusive boyfriend after another but Scotty the new boyfriend has crossed the line. After a massive fight Scotty kills Angel’s mum and buries the body. Now the only loose end is Angel, She knows what he did and she knows he will kill her next She needs to run but Scotty is a hunter and Angel is now the pray. Will Angel live to tell anyone what happened?
This book started with a bang. Readers are thrown into the action. I was shocked at what Angel had gone throw and you have a burning hatred for Scotty. He really loves causing pain which means his the target for the readers hate and anger. Within the first five chapters you get to grips with how far Scotty will go to kill Angel. While Angel is but a scared girl she is also smart and understands that crazy Scotty will never stop hunting her down.
I was amazed at how powerful the story was from the very beginning you see so much dark pain, anger and danger between Scotty and Angel. The book was about survival and it thrilled and scared me at the same time. I wanted to scream and shout along with the book I needed Angel to live and do well and while the book was only short it was packed to the max. Angel's fear and anger and the need to survive oozed through this book the whole way through. While Scotty sick need to hunt, kill and win gave me shivers.
I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I feared for Angel and wanted to kill Scotty myself. A master piece that had my heart racing to the very end!
Five stars.
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