Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Intern by Dillon Khan Review

The InternThe Intern by Dillon Khan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jay Merchant is struggling he can’t pay his full rent and his current job at the foot locker is not his dream job and does not pay enough. Then he lands on his feet when he gets accepted as an intern at the Beats.

The Beat’s is known world wide and jay soon learns how lucky he is to get a chance to intern there when so many people are dying for the chance to be a part of this music phenomenon but like most things working at the Beat’s comes with a price.

This book was really easy to get into thanks to the witty and funny conversations the comical thoughts that jay has during the book. Jay was a cool character that did not think he was better than anyone but he did change during the course of the book and he grows as a character.

While this book is not my normal paranormal or fantasy type that I normally read I was not disappointed this book has something else a taste of Jay’s life and while the book is fictional to me it felt very real which made this book brilliant. Jay works so hard to keep the job of his dreams to get the good money to be someone important and while all that is amazing what got to me was while he was working so hard and putting in so many hours he slowing had less time for everything before the Beats. I have to say this book had a really good taste of real life and how working and juggling with your social life and everything else can be hard. I loved that the author did not sugar coat everything and I felt that was another reason the book was so good.

5 stars

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