Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Reading in the woods

Reading in the woods
Like most readers I love to read before bed which really helps chill me out, Also the kids are asleep by then and there is no noise but I just wanted to share one of my all time favourite reading spots ever. In the summer in the UK (summer in the UK is hard to get at the best of times) my granddad and nan like to go out in the car so I sometimes tag along but one of my favourite places they go is Thorndon park. Thornton is a really nice place in summer a lot of families go there but the place is so huge you always get a lot of peace. There are trees upon trees as far as the eye can see and a beautiful pond that has ducks and fish. There are not words that I can say that can describe how beautiful and calming the place is so I’m hoping to do my best in this post.

Thornton is simply massive you can walk or bike for miles and miles and while there are lots of paths and seat’s some of my favourite places are off the beaten path and not always easy to get to. I also take a nice big book and a cold bottle of drink ready for the long walk. While the walk is fun I normally take lots of photos and look at the wildlife around me. The spot I'm after is a place that’s so breath taking it’s like I have walked into one of my books. Once I get there I find a comfy place to seat and before opening my book and getting lost in its pages I look around and gaze at natures beauty. The place that I’m seated in is in the shade but the sunlight filters through the trees giving my spot a feel of magic and while I'm seated here I feel like I have stepped over into an author's imagination and that maybe this place is where fantasy leaks into reality.

While I read here in my spot warm inside and out I feel happy and content like maybe I have a place in this word that really is heaven or maybe I have stumbled across some kind of barrier into another world.

What's you favorite place?
Please let me know what you think of my post thanks. 


  1. Those are so awesome but I live in BIG CITY where i can find sit and quiet without the cars pass u know?? that wld be nice, but sux :) but I loves your pictures they are so awesome! <3 Cherry

  2. In doors. I hate reading outside because the sun ruins the colour of the pages.

    Great post. Those pictures are fantastic!!

    1. Thank you :D i love reading out doors but i don't get to go here very much so when i am there i like to make the day of it :D

  3. It looks awesome! I would love to actually go there and sit on a bench there and read some romance book.

    But for now my favourite place of reading is on the beach (despite the fact that I really hate beaches and all the waste of time there while trying to get some tan on my purely white skin ;) ) on Cyprus under an umbrella while listening to the sound of waves. It was marvelous experience!

    1. Irene that sounds amazing i don't get to see the beach and have not been on holiday since i was 14...but i better i would really love reading at the beach in the sun watching the waves.
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read me post.

  4. That is a beautiful place!
    It looks like a place where faeries would hang out :)

    1. Yes mariela you can almost imagine the faeries flying between the trees. x

  5. I think your place is magical! My favourite spot is my bedroom, because it's nice and peaceful. I can't sit in the great outdoors too long, as I have allergies! Grass is the bane of my existence!

    Lynn Worton

    1. OH NO I'm sorry to hear about you allergies i to have allergies and have to keep them under control with medication. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  6. I am drooling!
    I'd love to have a place to read like that...I shall take a picture of my yard and make a post similar to this one!
    And yeap almost everyone likes to read in their rooms BUT gosh! if the outside is pretty like this count me in for a long long read outside!

  7. I would sooo love to read there! Peace and quiet and lots of beauty! So Jealous!!


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