Friday, 17 August 2012

Flying Blind by Deborah Cooke review

Flying Blind (The Dragon Diaries, #1)Flying Blind by Deborah Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yep you guessed it another dragon book I must be going through a dragon reading stage in my life :D flying blind is the fist book in the dragon diaries series.

The book follows Zoe she is the only female dragon of her kind they call her the Wyvern, while the males are the Pyr they can change from human to dragon in seconds. Apart from poor Zoe who’s powers are not showing up for her. I really liked Zoe I kind of felt for her even as the only one of her kind she is still an oddball that struggles to fit in and I liked that fact because it made her seem more real in a way. I also loved that she had lots of teen drama going on in her life that made me laugh. I loved watching her grow through the book and see what she had to overcome.

The storyline in the book was different and action packed. While there was a lot of normal teen stuff to laugh about there was more shocking life threatening things that had you gripped and begging that everything would be ok. I loved the way the author could have you laughing one minute and the next you were shocked and holding on to the book with two hands and your mouth hanging open in surprise.
My only fault had to be that Zoe was WAY! To trusting and I wanted to slap her and say open your eyes! But overall the book was a fast and enjoyable read.
4 stars

View all my reviews


  1. I haven't heard of this one, but it definitely caught my attention now. Great review.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. Sounds like a fun story. Thanks for the review. I'll TBR it! :D

  3. this books is really good and I enjoy reading it .. Blogging Profits Unleashed


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