My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thank you to the author for providing me with a Earc in exchange for a honest review.
May Contain Spoilers, Read with Caution
I have loved every single one of Melissa pearls books that I have read, but I think Unknown is my fave. It had me hooked from page one with the Prophecy.
The world building, character building, and all the information given on the prophercy and gods was simply amazing. It was such a easy read. I loved how you got multiple POVs and now I know who to trust and who not too. The way this book is written has you basically unable to put it down, it leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat, rooting for your fave characters, yelling at others, and basically wishing the death on other ones.
When a star falls, it marks the beginning of the prophecy that will overthrow the darkness, it also needs two seekers to help accomplish this.
Princess Kyla is the only heir to the Taramon throne, you find out what happens to her siblings in the book, she is 16, headstrong, stubbon and lets nothing get in her way, she is totally kick A, I cant wait to see how her character grows in the next two books, she is betrothed to Athra. Im not sure if I like athra or not, but it will be interesting to see what happens in the next books. She is chosen as one of the seekers. I cant wait to read more of the journey kyla and the other seeker Jethro are on.
Jethro, he is also 16, has been kyla’s best friend for years, but once she became betrothed to his cousin, he distanced himself, which leads to a lot of arguments and fights between himself and kyla. He is in love with kyla, tho she doesn’t know it, but im pretty sure she has feelings for him too. I loved reading jethro, he is a awesome character. Cant wait to read more about him and see his character grow in the next books.
The two seekers go on a journey to find the four elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. And I was completely blown away by what the elements are. It was a complete shock, tho Melissa is awesome for the shocks she does in her books, so I really shouldn’t be surprised
If you love this kind of book then definitely pick it up, you wont be disappointed. This is definitely my favourite by this author.
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You've just made my day!! Your favourite! Wohoo!!!!