Thursday, 20 December 2012

Author Doug Dillon Promotional Guest Post

Author Doug Dillon Promotional Guest Post

Prizes: Beautiful Chinese Puzzle Balls

To promote Sliding Beneath the Surface

sliding beneath the surface

Book I of The St. Augustine Trilogy
Young adult, paranormal and historical

What’s Going on Here?
Very simple. I’m giving away two, handcrafted Chinese puzzle balls in a contest. One is valued at $60 and the value of the other is $160. The second ball is double the size of the first one. Each has a teak stand and has its own wooden Chinese box for safe keeping. These exquisite oriental art pieces are up for grabs to readers who will purchase my book and publish their review on Or the winners can select an Amazon Gift Card of equal value.

Why Chinese puzzle balls?
Ah, that’s because the puzzle ball is the forefront object on my book cover. In the book, and throughout The St. Augustine Trilogy, it serves as a symbolic reference to the paranormal world and the very nature of reality. “Worlds-within-worlds.”

What are puzzle balls?
Sometimes called mystery balls, they are handcrafted objects often made of wood, jade, mammoth ivory or Mandarin Ivory. Mandarin ivory is a blend of natural materials and is the material used for the balls in my contest.
An ancient art form, these objects have intricate carvings on the outside and multiple, moveable layers on the inside—balls within balls. Those inner shells usually number between 2 and 18 but can go as high as 42. As with the ones available in my contest, the outside carving often consists of intertwined, painted dragons.

About the Contest
Options, options, options! Here’s the (basic) deal:
1)      Buying an eBook on or through Book Depository and writing a review on gives you a chance to win your choice of a 6-layer puzzle ball with teak display stand sent to you by me in a classy wooden Chinese box — a market value of $60 ~or~ an Amazon Gift Card - valued at $60.  The posting on (U.S.) or on Book Depository is required to be eligible but posting elsewhere also would be greatly appreciated.
2)      Buying a print book and writing a review on gives you one chance to win your choice of a 12-layer puzzle ball with a teak display stand, also in its own box—a market value of $160 ~or~ an Amazon Gift Card - valued at $160. Yes, that’s double the size of the first one.  Again the posting on (U.S.) or on Book Depository is required to be eligible but posting elsewhere also would again be appreciated.
3)      BONUS – you can also enter both of the contests listed above by purchasing both an eBook and a Paperback copy of my book, given your one published review would account for both mandatory review entries. Who knows you may get lucky and win both contests, allowing you to give one to a friend.
4)      AND - you may enter each contest daily if you would like to increase your chances of winning. Each purchase gets you another chance and your one (1) published review will account for all purchases made throughout the contest.
5)      IF by some chance you have already published your review of my book on, you can still participate but to be eligible you must purchase a book for each new entry with a unique order number to confirm your purchase.
6)      End  Goal of the Contest: 150 reviews on
7)      Projected contest dates are December 12 through February 6. All reviews must be posted on by the end date.
8)      Participants must live in one of these countires to be eligible: US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Germany, France, Netherlands, South Africa, Poland, Israel, Spain, Italy.
9)      Entering the contestenter here!
10)  Any questions? Contact my wonderful assistant, Julia Hendrix via email –

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to Know More About Puzzle Balls?

Check out this article

Want to View a Puzzle Ball in More Depth?

Click here for a video.

Want to see a Puzzle Ball Being Made?

Click here  for videos.

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